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The power to make every home smart

Developed in Norway, Heimgard is a secure and flexible Connected Home Solution that cares about your privacy. And it all starts with great Wi-Fi.

The huge promise of smart home technology has never been fully realised. End-users are put off by its complexity, struggling to see the value and understand the benefit. The few who buy into smart home solutions experience either a closed ecosystem with a small range of products, or a complex system that requires follow-up support.

The Game changer

Our engineers have combined their expertise, experience and understanding of the market to create our revolutionary all-in-one Wi-Fi and Smart home hub – a unique approach to smart home technology, lowering the threshold and redefining the entry point for every house to be smart.

Our robust Wi-Fi solution provides strong signal throughout the house with up to 750m2 coverage, supporting the growing number of devices and increase in data traffic. With Heimgard´s extensive product catalogue, we cover almost all your customers smart home needs, allowing them to take control of their lighting, heating, alarms, security cameras and much more. But it gets even better.

Your smart home, your way

Our smart home solution is built on the open Zigbee standard, allowing you to pick and choose from a wide range of smart home brands, like Google, Philips Hue and Samsung, allowing your customers to build their smart home, their way!

Easy Installation

The Heimgard Wi-Fi Smart router is paired to your phone with a secure connection to our user-friendly app, allowing for easy installation and handover. All necessary information related to operations and maintentance is readily available in product sheets on our website, allowing you to easily manage and maintain your smart home solution. And if needed, our Nordic customer support is on hand, both for you and your customers, providing the highest quality of user experience.

Your security is our priority

We never compromise on security, with privacy our top priority. That’s why we never collect or store any data on our users – all their data is stored securely and locally. We do not use a username or password, but a personal encryption key, connecting the user’s phone to their hub so no private data can get lost.

We add value to people’s lives through merging technology with great services. With “security at the gateway» (F-secure) all your connected devices are protected, and with VPN you can «surf from home» from anywhere in the world, keeping you and your family protected in more ways than one.

Reduce energy bills

With ever increasing energy costs, the value of smart energy management is critical for your customers. With our energy storage system, we enable time shift and peak shaving, allowing households to save money by storing cheap energy, and utilising it when energy costs are high.

Heimgard enables you to add real value to your customers life. With the highest level of user experience on the market, the credit from your satisfied customers will be all yours, enhancing your reputation and allowing you to benefit from the untapped potential of smart home technology, done the right way!

Let us get in touch

Let's team up and discover how our solutions can elevate your customer experience!

Sales representatives

Erik Syverinsen

Commercial Director, Nordics

+47 993 31 600 erik.syverinsenheimgard.com

Francis Baestaens

Global Sales

+32 473 653 992 francis.baestaensheimgard.com